Happy Leaf Plant Company, a mobile indoor and online plant business, is making its rounds at local pop-up events within Merced County.

Atwater resident Jennifer Heinrich, 35, says she came up with the idea of opening a plant business in July 2020. She told Merced Daily she needed a back-up plan after possible changes at her job.

Jennifer says during the COVID-19 pandemic, it gave her a chance to be a stay at home mom, while saving money on daycare expenses, saving money also gave her a chance to invest in her business. “Plants and gardening have always bee an interest of mine for years so it seemed like a natural fit to turn that hobby into a business,” Jennifer said.

In November of 2020, Happy Leaf Plant Company opened. Jennifer says she still works full-time, operating Happy Leaf Plant Company on the side for now.

In between pop-ups, people can buy online and schedule a pickup or delivery in Merced County, according to Jennifer.

Jennifer says she plans on opening an indoor plant business in the near future.

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