Early Thanksgiving morning at 1:30AM, Atwater Police Officers were dispatched to the area of Winton Way and Drakeley Ave on a report of a hit and run accident. Officers found that a late 80’s model Honda had struck a parked vehicle, a sign and ultimately a tree before coming to rest. The vehicle had also complete severed a PG&E Gas Meter cause a gas leak. The driver had fled the scene prior to our arrival. 8 residences, including the Riggs Ambulance Substation, had to be evacuated. Approximately 40 minutes later PG&E responded and repaired the leak allowing residents to return home.

Photo Courtesy- APD
The vehicle’s registration was expired since 2015 and had a dated release of liability to an address in Sonora. One witness stated the driver, which was described as a heavy set Hispanic male adult wearing a black sweatshirt fled the scene running southbound on Winton Way.
It is unknown if alcohol or drugs were involved. It does not appear that anyone was in the vehicle other than the driver. Anyone with information about this crime can call the Atwater Police Department at (209) 357-6396.