Transportation Research Center, an autonomous vehicle testing facility, will have a new 225-acre facility on an underutilized portion of the airport, according to Mark Hendrickson, the County’s Community and Economic Development Director.

Transportation Research Center has been around for more than 40 years. Hendrickson says the company anticipates on hiring at least 133 people locally within a five year span. 

The company could be operational as soon as this summer, according to Hendrickson.

When Hendrickson was asked about the former bowling alley at Castle he told Merced Daily that Blaker Brewing -Tarmac plans to utilize the location. However, exact plans for the former bowling alley is NOT clear at this time.

Hendrickson was also asked about those vacant dilapidated buildings. He told Merced Daily, “We’re actively looking to identify funding streams to demolish those buildings. Each one of those buildings have contaminants inside.” Hendrickson said. This would indicate a health issue for the people near the area.

(This story will be updated)