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The City Council will hear a presentation on the 2019 HUD Annual Action Plan and a presentation on a study of hazardous materials in the City at its Monday night meeting.

The meeting will be held at 6 p.m. in the Council Chamber on the second floor of the Merced Civic Center, (City Hall), 678 W. 18th St. The Council meets the first and third Monday of the month, except when there is a holiday, when it meets the following day.

The Council will be asked for direction on the annual Department of Housing and Urban Development Annual Action Plan. The City is holding community meetings to seek comments from the public on the plan.

Council also will hear an update on the proposed Childs Avenue and B Street Affordable Housing Project. The project is a mix of affordable housing, housing for homeless and veterans housing, with supportive services available to residents.

The City received a California Office of Emergency Services grant to study the hazardous commodities that travel through the City and are used in the City. The study also analyzed the level of risk and how to plan for the risks involved with the materials.

Also on the agenda is a request to close Martin Luther King Jr. Way from W. 8th Street to Main Street on Jan. 21 for the annual Martin Luther King Jr. Parade, March and Celebration.

The Council will meet in closed session to discuss existing litigation, confer with labor negotiators and discuss employee evaluations.

City Council meetings are streamed live on the Internet. A link to the live meeting is on the City’s web site at the cityofmerced.org.

The Council agenda is posted online at www.cityofmerced.org and is available outside the chambers prior to the meeting. Request to Speak forms are available at the meeting or can be downloaded from the City’s website. Cards must be turned in to the City Clerk in order for a person to be recognized by the Council. Hmong and Spanish translators are available at all regular Council meetings.