The Bloss Mansion was built in 1914 by George Bloss who was the first mayor of Atwater.

In 1963, George Bloss donated the house to the City. Now over 100 years later, the Bloss Mansion still stands. Earlier this year a black metal fence was installed around the Bloss Mansion due to numerous vandalism incidents, and transients sleeping in the area.

“Earlier this year members of the Atwater Historical Society allowed eight paranormal investigators to document any paranormal activity in the Bloss Mansion…

Here is the statement of the findings, according to the President of the Atwater Historical Society:

There was eight paranormal investigators. They had every piece of electronic devices you can imagine, even two that was dialed in on hearing voices.

One device had very distinct, sounding voices and the other picked up whispers of voices. Infrared cameras – plus tons of machines that gave light signals.

A few of the most interesting things happened in the main room next to the fireplace. The investigators asked if Mr. Bloss was in the room.

All of the machines, and two divining rods that some of the investigators were holding, all pointed to a chair that was not occupied – which was the only chair in the room that Mr. Bloss had ever sat in.

As they moved from room-to-room they would ask questions; some of them would be answered clearly and some answers would be very jumbled.

I was surprised when I walked through the sun room and one of the machines clearly said, ‘Greg move!’

Out in the Water Tower we made our way through tons of cobwebs and was standing on the second floor when an investigator asked how many spirits were in the room with us the – machine answered 16. This was just a few of the interesting interactions we had.

The Video we provided is from a separate Paranormal Investigation done by Spirit Chaser, John Cardenas from the outside of the entrance at the Bloss Mansion a couple months ago.
